Published: 12:00 AM on April 23, 2013
On April 17, 2013, the Champ Fleurs Library hosted Mrs Mariella Pilgrim, Vice President and Ms Karen Eccles, Public Relations Officer from the Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago (LATT). The visit was part of SBCS’ Library Awareness Week promotion, from April 15 – 19, 2013. Ms Eccles facilitated a presentation entitled “The need for the physical library” to students at the Champs Fleurs campus. Students from the San Fernando campus also participated in the presentation via video conference, which focused on the following topics:
• Librarians and Librarianship
• The changing world today
• Trends in libraries
• Issues facing libraries
• The need for the physical library
Ms Pilgrim and Ms Eccles toured the Champs Fleurs Library and commended us on not only its physical facilities, but also the ambiance of its setting. They were also impressed with the Library Awareness display and our promotion of library use to our students.
The visit was most rewarding, and the SBCS libraries look forward to future collaborations with LATT, towards developing the quality of library and information services offered to our students.