2023 Vacation Courses


Get a Head Start!

These short vacation courses are designed to allow you to

  • taste-test a possible career
  • upgrade your skillset or kickstart your creativity 
  • pursue a hobby
  • strengthen your ability in a specific area


Courses are offered Face to Face sessions at Champs Fleurs Campus.  Register for more than one course and get 5% off tuition. 

Course Pre-requisites Target Audience Start Date End Date Days
Time Price Description

Computer Literacy

N/A age: 11+ 10-Jul 14-Jul M-F 9:00am – 3:00pm  $950 Registration CLOSED This course introduces students to the Windows Operating System, Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint along with a brief history and introduction to the internet.
Cooking 101 for Teens N/A age: 13+ 17-Jul 21-Jul Mon – Fri 9:00am – 1:00pm  $1,500 Registration CLOSED This course introduces students to develop their cooking skills. Starting with the fundamentals, working through techniques in knife skills and cooking methods, and not forgetting the all-important presentation.
Introduction to Basic Automotive Maintenance with an Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicles N/A age: 16+ 17-Jul 21-Aug Mon 1:00pm – 4:00pm  $2,050 This course provides the students with the necessary technical and practical knowledge required to carry out routine maintenance on vehicles. It also provides students with theoretical knowledge on vehicle electrification.
Certificate in Electricity and Electronics with an Introduction to Solar Power N/A age: 11+ 17-Jul 28-Aug Mon 9:00am – 12:00pm  $1,350 This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of electricity and electronics. It covers the basic concepts of electric current flow, circuit calculations, alternating current versus direct current theories, transformers and semi-conductor design. It also introduces students to the fundamentals of solar power as it applies to solar panel system installations. It compares solar energy to other energy resources
Introduction to Robotics (Kit included) N/A age: 11+ 17-Jul 21-Jul M-F 9:00am – 1:00pm  $1,200 This course provides an introduction to robotic systems and electronics with typical applications and design. It also allows learners to become familiar with software used in programming a robot.
A Gentle Introduction to Coding and Algorithm Design Using The Python Programming Language Computer Literacy age: 12+ 18-Jul 15-Aug T/T 1:00pm – 4:00pm  $1,200 This course introduces fundamental programming concepts using Python. Cover the basics of how to construct a program from a series of simple instructions.
Introduction to Digital Photography N/A age: 11+ 22-Jul 12-Aug Sat 9:00am – 12:00pm  $750 Registration CLOSED This is designed for persons with basic camera ability who wish to enhance their photography skills. It introduces fundamental components of photography as well as some technical aspects.
Baking 101 for Teens N/A age: 13+ 24-Jul 28-Jul Mon – Fri 9:00am – 1:00pm  $1,500 This is an introductory course into the world of Baking. It is designed to provide you with basic training in the core foundational concepts and thus help you to understand the theoretical elements.
Computer Literacy N/A age: 11+ 07-Aug 11-Aug M-F 9:00am – 3:00pm  $950 Registration CLOSED This course introduces students to the Windows Operating System, Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint along with a brief history and introduction to the internet.


Registration and Payment Information

  • Administration fee: $150
  • Registration deadline: One week before the scheduled start date of the class.
  • Payment Plan: 50% down payment of the tuition to start the class and the balance to be paid before the end of the course. However, should you require a payment plan more tailored to you, feel free to let us know so we can discuss further.


Online Registration Process

To register for the online course, please follow the instructions below:


For further information, please send an email to entre for Information Technology and Engineering (CITE) [email protected] or call 663-7227 extensions 1092/3/5.