University of London International Programmes (Lead College – Goldsmiths)
{{'The University of London is truly one of the great universities of the world. A federation of 18 world-class Colleges and 10 specialist institutes, its reputation for high academic standards has been built on the outstanding teaching and research of its Colleges since 1836. University of London degrees are recognised internationally by governments, universities, employers and professional bodies as being of the highest academic quality.
Since 1858, University of London degrees have been accessible to students all over the world through the University of London International Programmes, the longest standing flexible and distance learning programmes in the world. Over the years, many exceptional people who have studied with the University of London International Programmes have shaped our world. Former students include seven Nobel Prize winners, leaders of Commonwealth countries, government ministers, renowned authors, academics, judges and business leaders. Today, the University of London International Programmes is truly international in character with over 52,000 students in more than 190 countries.
Academic direction for all of the courses offered through the University of London International Programmes is provided by Colleges of the University. Academics at these Colleges develop the syllabuses, prepare the study materials, and are responsible for the assessment of students. This means that students benefit from the academic rigour and leading-edge research undertaken by the Colleges. It also ensures that the standard of award made to International Programmes students is maintained at the same level as the standard of award made to students studying at one of the Colleges of the University.
In the case of undergraduate courses in computing, academic direction is provided by Goldsmiths. Founded in 1891, Goldsmiths is internationally renowned for teaching and research in creative, cultural and cognitive disciplines. Its distinctive attitude to learning encourages students to explore ideas, challenge boundaries, investigate fresh ways of thinking, and stretch their minds intellectually and creatively. The Department of Computing at Goldsmiths sees interdisciplinarity to be the core of its identity, running undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes that include the application of computer science to the arts, media, music, design, games, psychology and business.
Upon successful completion of their studies, students are awarded a University of London degree or diploma. Although the standards of these awards are maintained at the same level as the standards of awards made to students studying at Goldsmiths, the awards are distinct from degrees or other qualifications awarded by Goldsmiths. The certificate that students receive following graduation will state that the student was registered with the University of London and awarded a University of London degree or diploma. It will also state that examinations were conducted by Goldsmiths..
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