Elizabeth Quashie
Master of Business Administration (H-Watt)

Prior to the MBA programme I was an undergraduate student at SBCS and I experienced first-hand an institution that provides a very high standard of customer service; lecturers who are experts in their field; modern facilities and flexible class hours … all of which are available at convenient locations. The Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University is world-renowned for its excellent distance learning business programme. It is this combination which turned out to be priceless to my education and career advancement.
At present I am the Curriculum Development Director at a UK training institution. Every day I interact with professionals and executives. The MBA has given me a better understanding of their issues and concerns.
My favourite aspect of the progamme was the experience the lecturers brought to the subject matter which facilitated our understanding. Also, the programme`s modularised structure meant more control over what studied and when.

The best thing about being an SBCS alumnus is knowing that you would be getting your money`s worth. The only barrier between you and successfully achieving your goals is the degree of your determination and efforts.