Vikki Ramdass
Master of Business Administration (H-Watt)

In order to obtain my MBA, I chose SBCS due to their convenient, flexible class schedules and locations. Also, SBCS has a good reputation for cultivating successful graduates. The Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University – MBA provided both local and international career opportunities and advancements. The critical thinking tools and techniques demonstrated within this programme were quickly adopted in the working environment.

The qualities of lecturers were remarkable as each lecturer displayed a high degree of professionalism, patience and courtesy towards all students. Not forgetting the courteous cafeteria staff and security personnel at all SBCS locations. My career focus was strategically aligned with the excellent business management concepts within the programme. My favourite programme aspect would be the frequency of which exams may be written throughout the year, to be specific, March, June, August and December. This programme has indeed provided me with a memorable and rewarding experience. In the near future, I would stay at SBCS in order to pursue the Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, DBA.