Yasodra Gosine-Samaroo
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management; MSc Safety, Health and Environment [Distinction] (Greenw)

Educational diversity strengthens an individual’s understanding, marketability and functionality, which in turn allows for the achievement of global initiatives. My decision to pursue the MSc Safety, Health and Environment from the University of Greenwich after I had completed the BA (Hons) Human Resource Management, was not only because HSE should be a part of life but because pairing HR and HSE, how we manage people and how those people value our planet earth, helps attain sustainable development, which was the core initiative of the Brundtland Commission (1986).”
I have trusted SBCS with tertiary education since 2007 till present and I will continue to do so for the enhancement of skills and Corporate Professional Development. They have demonstrated time after time to be a leader in both academic and vocational courses.