Course Brief
This unit provides students with the opportunity to develop their film-making skills in greater depth and detail. From the initial pitch to a completed short film, students will explore the practical, creative and management aspects of film
Working individually and collaboratively, students will expand their knowledge of the equipment, techniques and processes associated film-making. Students will develop and pitch ideas for short films, then carry out the activities associated with different roles within the production process in order to complete a short film production. Through this they will consolidate their knowledge of pre-production, production and postproduction processes. Through presenting their final short films, students will consider the relationship between audience experience and their own creative and technical practice, reflecting on their achievements and planning for the future.
This unit is intended to provide Centres with a framework to support students to develop in-depth knowledge and skills associated with the specialist subject. As a 30-credit unit, delivered over an extended period, Centres will have the option to provide consideration of broad areas of the subject followed by greater specialisation, based on either local needs or student areas of interest.
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Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
1. Pitch an idea for a film, based on research and analysis.
2. Develop a production plan, including specification of equipment, based on a film
concept and treatment
3. Use industry-standard equipment, tools and techniques to shoot and edit a
short film.
4. Present a short film production, gathering audience feedback.
BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Creative Media Production
Employment Focused; Affordable; Globally Recognized Qualifications in Creative Media Production.
Build and validate your interest, knowledge and skill with the Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production at SBCS. This internationally recognized, practical qualification prepares students for employment in the media sector, in areas such as Radio, Television, Film, Journalism, and Multimedia. Not just focused on the technical side of things, it also covers the business aspects of Corporate Communications and Freelance employment.
Click to learn more about what is an HND.
The programme comprises of 15 units where you can learn and practise a variety of techniques to develop a substantial portfolio of work. This programme also sets the foundation for an exciting career in the creative industries.
Graduates of this Level 5 Higher National Diploma will be accepted onto to the final year of our BA (Hons) Mass Communications.