Course Brief
This unit aims to develop learners' understanding of convergent journalism and provide them with the skills needed to work in a multi-platform news production industry.
Unit abstract
There was a time when journalists would specialise in print or broadcast media but reporters are now expected to be multi-skilled and work across a variety of media platforms. They will source and research a news story and be expected to write it for print and the internet, then film it for a moving image platform and often produce an audio version as well. The ability to work across a variety of platforms will allow the learner to take their place in an increasingly convergent industry.
This unit will give learners the understanding of how to work efficiently across those platforms and adapt their stories to a variety of formats within the parameters of legal and ethical frameworks, catering for the requirements of their target audience.
This unit pulls together learners' understanding of and skills in print and broadcast journalism, filming techniques and interview skills.
- This course is offered in 48 contact hours
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
1 Be able to research and source stories responsibly within a multi-platform context
2 Be able to write stories for print and the internet
3 Be able to adapt and edit stories for broadcast
4 Be able to reflect on own journalistic work