Course Brief

This course allows students to undertake work-based learning in a professional setting related to their programme of study. They will engage with, and reflect upon, the experience of everyday work activities in that setting with respect to a set of learning objectives agreed between the student, supervisor and placement provider.

  • This course is offered in 50 contact hours

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

Learning Outcome

  1. Acquire practical first-hand experience of how academic and theoretical perspectives from their programme of study are applied in a professional setting.
  2. Explain their placement choice, demonstrating an understanding of key academic perspectives on the functioning of the creative sector in which they’re placed.
  3. Articulate the nature and scope of their proposed work-based research, in the context of their wider professional aspirations.
  4. Reflect upon the experience, articulating their own position with reference to both their primary work-based research and relevant theory (determined by a bespoke set of placement-specific learning objectives) on topics such as; workplace organisation and structure, group dynamics and team work, production processes and procedures, etc.

Students will complete a work placement of 100 hours in which they engage reflectively with the experience of everyday activities in a professional setting related to their programme of study. They will complete; a written reflective log, gathering primary research evidence relating to activities in the placement with respect to a set of agreed learning objectives, and a written placement report (presented in either written or video form) based on the reflective log and further research into theoretical aspects relevant to the learning objectives. They will also give a presentation, detailing their learning objectives and placement choice.

  • This course allows students to undertake work-based learning in a professional setting related to their programme of study. They will engage with, and reflect upon, the experience of everyday work activities in that setting with respect to a set of learning objectives agreed between the student, supervisor and placement provider.