Course Brief

Unit Abstract:

Engineers, no matter from what discipline, need to acquire a fundamental understanding of the mechanical and electrical principles that underpin the design and operation of a large range of
engineering equipment and systems.

This unit will develop learners’ understanding of the key mechanical and electrical concepts that relate to all aspects of engineering.
In particular, learners will study elements of engineering statics including the analysis of beams,columns and shafts. They will then be introduced to elements of engineering dynamics, including the behavioural analysis of mechanical systems subject to uniform acceleration, the effects of energy transfer in systems and to natural and forced oscillatory motion.

The electrical system principles in learning outcome 3 begin by refreshing learners’ understanding of resistors connected in series/parallel and then developing the use of Ohm’s law
and Kirchhoff’s law to solve problems involving at least two power sources. Circuit theorems are also considered for resistive networks only together with a study of the characteristics of growth
and decay of current/voltage in series C-R and L-R circuits.

The final learning outcome develops learners’ understanding of the characteristics of various AC
circuits and finishes by considering an important application – the transformer.


  • This course is offered in 45 hours.
  • Unit Abstract:

    Engineers, no matter from what discipline, need to acquire a fundamental understanding of the mechanical and electrical principles that underpin the design and operation of a large range of
    engineering equipment and systems.

    This unit will develop learners’ understanding of the key mechanical and electrical concepts that relate to all aspects of engineering.
    In particular, learners will study elements of engineering statics including the analysis of beams,columns and shafts. They will then be introduced to elements of engineering dynamics, including the behavioural analysis of mechanical systems subject to uniform acceleration, the effects of energy transfer in systems and to natural and forced oscillatory motion.

    The electrical system principles in learning outcome 3 begin by refreshing learners’ understanding of resistors connected in series/parallel and then developing the use of Ohm’s law
    and Kirchhoff’s law to solve problems involving at least two power sources. Circuit theorems are also considered for resistive networks only together with a study of the characteristics of growth
    and decay of current/voltage in series C-R and L-R circuits.

    The final learning outcome develops learners’ understanding of the characteristics of various AC
    circuits and finishes by considering an important application – the transformer.