Course Brief

Introduction and rationale

The media as an inhabited environment is constantly changing, expanding, affecting our lives in increasingly complex ways. The study of this environment requires an integrated understanding of the relevant positions, both classical and contemporary, from social, political, economic, philosophical, artistic, geographical and scientific thinking. Many recent pronouncements have stated that technological development, particularly in relation to digital media, is the dominant motif of 'our times'. Thus, aspects of time, space, philosophy, science and the contemporary media environment will be merged within this course to answer some of the questions posed by such advances.

Some of the connections between these traditional disciplines are transparent - existential questions related to living with and in media, and the related scientific/technological advances in digital technology. But others are more opaque: the 'atomic' and the 'cosmic' are concepts that one might consider in relation to global and local debates. Also the notion of curvature is important in terms of space, emptiness, energy fields, and their relation to power and politics.

The purpose of the course is to try and create an environment of critical and creative thinking that can account for contemporary life and that can problematise our spatial coordinates and timescales that are almost always mediated and represented as ordered, linear and logical/sensible. Through art and philosophy, where both visual and acoustic traditions will be explored, an attitude can be fostered that will challenge a number of traditional assumptions.

"to see science under the lens of the artist, but art under the lens of life" (Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy:5)

Heidegger's 'The Question Concerning Technology' will be presented as a key text in relation to these debates.


To provide students with the necessary critical tools to develop a real understanding of the media environment and some of its current implications.

  • This course is offered in 90 contact hours

Students will be able to display knowledge and understanding of a number of philosophical positions. They will be able to apply those philosophies to current realities. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the important link between theory and practice. Essentially they will be able to demonstrate their ability to apply the theoretical thinking to the specifics of the contemporary media environment.

Philosophical positions including Kant, Hegel Marx, and Heidegger. Post modern theory including Baudrillard and Lyotard. Social theories of Habermas and Foucault. These will be related to specific contemporary media texts and institutional arrangements in terms of government legislation and the current trend towards liberalisation. Specific attention will be given to Heidegger’s work on technology – Foucault’s on statements and discourse, and Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of the refrain and the rhizome.


  • Introduction and rationale

    The media as an inhabited environment is constantly changing, expanding, affecting our lives in increasingly complex ways. The study of this environment requires an integrated understanding of the relevant positions, both classical and contemporary, from social, political, economic, philosophical, artistic, geographical and scientific thinking. Many recent pronouncements have stated that technological development, particularly in relation to digital media, is the dominant motif of 'our times'. Thus, aspects of time, space, philosophy, science and the contemporary media environment will be merged within this course to answer some of the questions posed by such advances.

    Some of the connections between these traditional disciplines are transparent - existential questions related to living with and in media, and the related scientific/technological advances in digital technology. But others are more opaque: the 'atomic' and the 'cosmic' are concepts that one might consider in relation to global and local debates. Also the notion of curvature is important in terms of space, emptiness, energy fields, and their relation to power and politics.

    The purpose of the course is to try and create an environment of critical and creative thinking that can account for contemporary life and that can problematise our spatial coordinates and timescales that are almost always mediated and represented as ordered, linear and logical/sensible. Through art and philosophy, where both visual and acoustic traditions will be explored, an attitude can be fostered that will challenge a number of traditional assumptions.

    "to see science under the lens of the artist, but art under the lens of life" (Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy:5)

    Heidegger's 'The Question Concerning Technology' will be presented as a key text in relation to these debates.


    To provide students with the necessary critical tools to develop a real understanding of the media environment and some of its current implications.