Course Brief


To develop learners' skills of independent enquiry by undertaking a sustained investigation of direct relevance to their vocational, academic and professional development.

Unit abstract

This unit provides opportunities for learners to develop skills in decision making, problem solving and communication, integrated with the skills and knowledge developed in many of the other units within the programme to complete a realistic project.

It requires learners to select, plan, implement and evaluate a project and finally present the outcomes, in terms of the process and the product of the project. It also allows learners to develop the ability to work individually and/or with others, within a defined timescale and given constraints, to produce an acceptable and viable solution to an agreed brief.

If this is a group project, each member of the team must be clear about their responsibilities at the start of the project and supervisors must ensure that everyone is accountable for each aspect of the work and makes a contribution to the end result.

Learners must work under the supervision of programme tutors or work-based managers.

  • This course is offered in 48 contact hours

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

1      Be able to formulate a project

2      Be able to implement the project within agreed procedures and to specification

3      Be able to evaluate the project outcomes

4      Be able to present the project outcomes