Course Brief
The modern data growth is transforming performance and efficiency requirements for storage systems. The databases are getting more complex and more powerful which means that development and management of the database systems is only possible with a sound knowledge of architectures and techniques available.
This course will discuss the rationale, current trends and features of modern database practice.
It provides students with the tools and techniques to implement and administer complex database systems including backup and recovery.
It equips students with the skills required to develop creative solutions to information system problems using the latest database technologies.
On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
Demonstrate a systemic knowledge and critical awareness of the rationale for and features of a range of database architectures.
Design, build and maintain complex database systems.
Devise strategies for managing database security, ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Demonstrate skills, self-direction and originality in identifying and solving various database problems.
Modern database features and architectures;
Managing database Instance;
Database storage management;
Query and transaction processing;
Managing users and schema objects;
Data presentation and security;
Database backup and recovery procedures;
Data manipulation between database systems.
Portfolio – 100% weighting, 50% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes – All.
Outline Details – Portfolio of several uploads.
Students are required to pass all elements of summative assessment in order to pass the course.
Formative Assessment:
Feedback on quiz (logbook) results.
Feedback from lab tutors on lab-based tutorial exercises.
MSc Computer Forensics & Cyber Security
The MSc Computer Forensics & Cyber Security, awarded by the University of Greenwich, is structured to provide a viable option to graduates of:
- An honours degree 2:2 or above in computing or computing science or a suitable numerate subject (e.g. mathematics, physics, engineering, information systems or multimedia) that includes software development experience.
- University of Greenwich's BSc (Hons) Computing and Information System with Upper Second Class Honours or above
- Mature applicants who demonstrate academic potential and work experience can also be assessed for eligibility.
- Applicants with a similar level qualification may also be eligible for more information or email us at [email protected]
Students on the MSc Computer Forensics & Cyber Security will learn a wide range of practical and theoretical skills which will develop a sound knowledge of cyber security and its application in real life situations.
Our Computer Forensics and Cyber Security course allows students to familiarise themselves with the most recent technologies, scientific innovations and best practice in protecting digital infrastructures, from enterprise networks to Internet of Things environments. Students are also trained on modern tools and methodologies for conducting digital forensics investigations, spanning the whole range from the collection of evidence to analysis and acting as expert witnesses.
This course is suitable for both newcomers to computer security and computer forensics and practitioners who wish to further their skills. It covers practical skills for network security, penetration testing and digital forensics, as well as the theory and scientific basis that underpins everyday practice. It also ensures that students have a basic understanding of the legal and regulatory requirements and the standards pertaining to computer security.
Enrol by December 16, 2024, to receive a 10% discount.
SBCS GLI alumni(degree graduates) will receive a 5% discount.Students paying in full will receive a 5% discount.Highlights at a glance
- This programme is offered blended/online - part-time and comprises four (4) semesters
- Total duration - 2 years (Part Time)
- All material provided digitally
- Blended approach to learning with a combination of self study, online sessions and workshops
Programme Content at a glance
- Modern methods and techniques for cyber security, including penetration testing and IT auditing.
- Throughout this course you will study cyber security and digital forensics, system administration and security.
- You will learn how to apply police and forensic methods to detecting cyber crime, using related software and hardware technologies.
- This course includes hands-on training in current forensic tools as used by the police. Students can therefore contribute quickly to the well-being of corporate IT and informational assets.
- University of Greenwich is an academic partner with The Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers (CREST) and with the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec).
- The degree is provisionally certified by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of GCHQ.
At SBCS we focus on
- Producing graduates who are capable of thinking critically, creatively and ethically.
- Graduates that can contribute to emerging industries and societal development.
- Read what some of our graduates have to say.