Course Brief

Open any newspaper or magazine, visit the website for any news outlet or magazine publisher, and you will quickly see the wide variety of topics that cater to the public appetite for specialist information and news. Whether in food, sports,
science, technology, the arts or many other subjects, the skills required to research and communicate specialist information requires both highly specific subject knowledge and the ability to translate this into content that may appeal to aspecialist and non-specialist audience.

The challenge for today’s journalists working in specialist areas, is to develop sources and content that is timely, informative and compelling. While the primary audience may themselves be highly knowledgeable, to sell newspapers, magazines, and web content also requires the writer to expand the audience, balancing the appeal to the niche audience and growing a new audience.

Through this unit, students will explore the research, writing and presentation skills necessary to produce content (for different media formats) related to a selected specialist subject area. They will develop a style that meets the expectations of a specialist audience and provide avenues for new readers to engage and expand their understanding of the topic.

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Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
1. Discuss areas of specialist journalism, and their specific requirements for
2. Evaluate media formats used to communicate specialist journalism output
3. Produce a work of specialist journalism, based on research and analysis, using
industry-standard codes and conventions
4. Present a work of specialist journalism, through a media format that addresses
the primary audience of the specialist subject.

  • BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Creative Media Production

    Employment Focused; Affordable; Globally Recognized Qualifications in Creative Media Production.

    Build and validate your interest, knowledge and skill with the Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Creative Media Production at SBCS. This internationally recognized, practical qualification prepares students for employment in the media sector, in areas such as Radio, Television, Film, Journalism, and Multimedia. Not just focused on the technical side of things, it also covers the business aspects of Corporate Communications and Freelance employment.

    Click to learn more about what is an HND.  

    The programme comprises of 15 units where you can learn and practise a variety of techniques to develop a substantial portfolio of work. This programme also sets the foundation for an exciting career in the creative industries. 

    Graduates of this Level 5 Higher National Diploma will be accepted onto to the final year of our BA (Hons) Mass Communications.