Course Brief
The focus of this seminar includes identifying the challenges and changes needed to make the transition from working as a supervisor to a manager.
Target Audience
New supervisors/managers, recently-promoted supervisors/managers, team leaders, peer leaders, employees considering management opportunities.
On completion of this course, learners will be able to:
- Provide feedback for desired performance
- Manage conflict that inevitably occurs in the workplace
- Learn their primary modes of operation when faced with conflict and will identify strategies to strengthen their less used modes
There are no more schedules available for the year.
A Professional Certificate in Supervisory Management (Face-to-Face)
This course helps to develop a personal awareness, as well as an awareness of the people, activities, and management issues involved in achieving results in a challenging and dynamic work environment. The programme further focuses on developing the required skills, through practical activities, such as structured exercises, group discussions, and case studies. It concentrates on the leadership actions for developing a team and also includes the key management skills of decision making, problem solving, performance analysis, conflict management, motivation and communication.
On completion of this course, learners will be able to:
- Understand the changes impacting the organization today
- Understand the expectations and responsibilities of the supervisor
- Recognize the most effective way to transition from employee to supervisor.
- Understand how to blend traditional management and new styles of management
- Understand the new management skills required - coaching, interpersonal
- Learn to communicate proactively and provide performance feedback
- Understand the planning process and the importance of effective time management
- Understand the process of decision making and problem solving
- Understand team basics, team facilitation, and team development
- Learn the importance of self-management skills and techniques
Please click here to view the course outline
Schedule and Cost:
Champs Fleurs
15-Jun-24 3-Aug-24 Saturdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm TT$150.00 / US$23.00 TT$1,925.00 / US$295.00 CLOSED Information subject to change without prior notice.