SBCS welcomes the use of our study resources by our past students, under certain conditions, through our Study Pass facility.
The SBCS Study Pass is available to past students of SBCS:
- who were previously enrolled in one of our Academic Programmes, for a minimum of 6 consecutive months;
- whose last enrolment was no more than 6 months from the date of application;
- who maintained good financial standing;
- and who were never found in breach of the organization’s rules and regulations.
Applicants currently pursuing studies at other institutions will not be considered at this time.
Terms of Use
The SBCS Study Pass grants access to all SBCS campuses (CF, SF, TR), subject to specific campus restrictions, and must be displayed at all times while on campus.
- Bearers of the SBCS Study Pass must uphold SBCS’ rules and regulations.
- The SBCS Study Pass is non-transferrable.
- The SBCS Study Pass fees, conditions and associated privileges are subject to change at any time.
Access Privileges
- Bearers of the SBCS Study Pass may use our general study facilities ONLY. These include access to assigned study rooms, and library services. They are not eligible to attend any class at any of our campuses for which they are not registered.
- They will have access to Wi-Fi, but restricted use of electronic resources on-site. Access is granted to the computers in the library/computing facility, but the use of our computer and engineering labs, and Moodle resources is prohibited.
To apply for your SBCS Study Pass, visit our Champs Fleurs, San Fernando or Trincity campus.
For further information, email: [email protected]