Published: 9:05 AM on June 02, 2020
We wish to advise that the July 2020 semester for our Edinburgh Business School (EBS) MBA/MSc classes will commence on Monday, July 13, 2020. Tuition for this semester will be delivered online, and advance timetable details have already been forwarded to you via email for review.
Important to note, owing to the shift in exams from June to August 2020, a teaching break will be implemented during the period August 10 – 21, 2020. This is to ensure there are no clashes between classes and exams.
Schools and places of learning are yet to be granted authorization to re-open; as such, the registration process for this semester will be conducted online. Information regarding this process, with the appropriate guidance and steps, will be provided in a subsequent email.
The registration period will run from Saturday, June 20 – Saturday, July 11, 2020.
If you require any information or clarification on this update, do not hesitate to contact your Course Administration team at [email protected].
To ensure the continued health, safety and well-being of our learners, we are diligently following all of the recommendations and advisories of the World Health Organization (WHO), Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and Ministry of Health, and will continue to do so as the COVID-19 situation evolves. If you have any questions or concerns, please forward to [email protected].
As well, please continue to follow our COVID-19 page for information and campus updates.
And as always, we encourage you to take every measure possible to keep yourself and the community safe.