Published: 12:00 AM on July 24, 2014
SBCS hosted an Autodesk meeting on Tuesday July 15th, 2014 with Autodesk Representative, Iliana Santoyo and Authorized Training Centers (ATCs) representatives from SBCS, CAD Engineering and Support and Central Technology Centre Limited.
The meeting was based on a summary of what took place at an Autodesk Conference held in Colombia in May this year.
it was held to ensure that all Authorized Training Centers (ATC) and Autodesk Certified Centers (ACCs) are aware of all of the updates and support available for the AutoCAD programs.
Some of the areas discussed were Administration of Autodesk programs, Program Updates, Exams, Training/Exam materials.
Illana also met with the full time AutoCAD class and Lecturer, Ravi Ramlakhan.