
Campus Scheduling & Closure Notice | Carnival 2020

Published: 11:30 AM on February 21, 2020

Please be advised that operations at our Administrative and Academic Units at all three (3) campuses will be amended over the period, Saturday 22nd February to Tuesday 25th February 2020:

Champs Fleurs Campus:

Classes as usual on Carnival Saturday and Sunday.

Twenty-four-hour study facilities will be available from Saturday 22nd February to Tuesday 25th February 2020.


San Fernando Campus: CLOSED from Saturday 22nd February to Tuesday 25th February 2020.


Trincity Campus:

Classes as usual on Carnival Saturday.

The campus will be CLOSED from Sunday 23rd February to Tuesday 25th February 2020.

You can refer to the Champs Fleurs campus for study facilities.


Administrative Offices and Cafeterias at all campuses will be CLOSED from Sunday 23rd February to Tuesday 25th February 2020 with the following exception:

  • The Champs Fleurs Cafeteria will be open on Sunday, February 23rd, 2020.

Students must present a valid Student ID to access the Study Facilities.

Please note that during the above noted period, maintenance work will be carried out at all our campuses, resulting in certain parts of the campuses being unavailable for use.

All campuses will resume administrative operations on Wednesday 26th February 2020; 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Continuing classes will also recommence on Wednesday, 26th February 2020 unless otherwise advised by Course Administration.