Published: 3:23 PM on May 07, 2019
An impressive sixty-two students completed the 2019 cycle of the Get WorkReady (GWR) programme. The certificate distribution ceremony for the programme was held on Thursday, May 02, 2019 at the Champs Fleurs campus, with attendees representing our full-time diploma programmes in Business, Computing (Champs Fleurs) and Media & Graphic Design (Trincity).
Executive Director, Dr Robin Maraj, as well as some of the top performers for this year’s programme, spoke to the students about the importance of Get WorkReady, key takeaways from the experience, and its hopeful impact on their professional lives. As he distributed certificates of recognition to the graduates in attendance, Dr Maraj further encouraged them to overcome all challenges on their way to success in their current studies. “I do this for our graduates every year at SBCS’ formal Graduation Ceremony; I look forward to congratulating you again as you cross that stage in time to come.”
Tokens of recognition were also distributed to the top five participant scorers on the programme and the Most Professional Attire for mock interviews (male and female).
GWR introduced students to elements as:
Congratulations, Get WorkReady 2019 graduates!
About Get WorkReady
SBCS’ Get WorkReady (GWR) programme is an initiative geared primarily toward equipping full-time SBCS students with the necessary tools for succeeding in today’s work environment. It is delivered annually and is typically held in advance of the Job and Career Fair, where students are granted opportunities to engage with employers and recruiters.