
Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School programmes receive transnational recognition

Published: 12:00 AM on August 07, 2009

ACTT grants formal recognition

SBCS Champs Fleurs -26th May , 2009 -The Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) has formally granted transnational recognition of the following programmes:

1.     Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration

2.     Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration

3.     Master of Business Administration (MBA)

4.     Postgraduate Certificate in Financial Management

5.     Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management

6.     M.Sc. in Financial Management

7.     Postgraduate Certificate in Marketing

8.     Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing

9.     M.Sc. in Marketing

10.  Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management

11.  Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

12.  M.Sc. in Human Resource Management

Special thanks to Dr. Moira Storey, Director of Quality and Standards, Edinburgh Business School – Heriot Watt University who visited SBCS, Champs Fleurs and met with officials from ACTT in support of this venture. Congratulations to the SBCS team, academic staff and graduates, who, under the leadership of the Executive Director, Dr. Robin Maraj, worked together to achieve this success.


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