Are you ready to rise to the challenge and MASTER your career?
The SBCS community celebrates our ABE World Prize winner Ms. Hailyanna Mader of the Champs Fleurs Campus, for capturing the world prize for the Level 5 Diploma – Human Resource Management in the December 2016 examination sitting. Congratulations are also extended to her lecturers Ms. Shinelle Gr…
February 8th, 2017 saw the commencement of Cycle 9 of SBCS’ Get Work Ready (GWR) Employability Training initiative, with a total seventy-six (76) full-time students – currently registered in the ABE, ACCA/FIA and Matriculations to BTEC (HNDs) in Computing Systems Development (CSD), Media…
The 2015 cohort of the BA (Hons) in Graphic Design (University of Sunderland) exhibited their final projects at SBCS Trincity Campus from March 25 to April 8, 2017. Members of the public were invited to the display of a diverse range of visual outcomes by SBCS Graphic Design students. Dr. Man…
We are pleased to announce that a team comprising of graduating SBCS University of Greenwich (UOG) students has been selected as one of the 30 finalist teams for the XII Edition of the Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas (TIC Americas). This year, 4,679 young people from 40 co…
SBCS Congratulates its very own Shenelle Brown as one of the winners in Pearson’s BTEC Higher National (HN) Student Video Competition! A second-year student of the Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Graphic Design, Brown was one of many international contestants, whose work was shar…
The first annual ADAPT (Academics Developing Alternative Pedagogical Techniques) conference took place on Thursday 6th April, 2017 at the SBCS Trincity Campus. The conference attracted educators and administrators from primary, secondary and tertiary levels, and covered three main strands of the the…
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Finding inspiration in the world around you. On Saturday, March 25th, 2017 SBCS Global Learning Institute hosted a public discussion titled Point of View: A Public Talk on Design and Philosophy at its Centre for Graphic Communication (Trincity Campus); with feature …
The BA (Hons) Media and Communications (UOG) April 2016 cohort displayed their final projects on Saturday, March 4, 2017, at NALIS Port of Spain. The students worked over the past 11 months from the starting point of idea generation followed by researched study to execution. The main learning output…
SBCS varies its approach – Making learning active (The Trinidad Guardian, Thursday 23 February, 2006) Founder of the 19-year-old School of Business and Computer Science, Robin Maraj, stands in the shadow of the school’s campus in Champs Fleurs. Maraj envisions T&T as the Caribbean’s nu…