
San Fernando Campus Celebrates its 7th Anniversary

Published: 12:00 AM on February 16, 2013

Today, February 20th, 2013, SBCS San Fernando (SF) Campus celebrates its seventh (7th) anniversary. In those seven (7) years, the campus has grown tremendously in size; staff; programmes; facilities; student population and most importantly, graduates. Since inception, our student population has grown by over 35% and our facilities have expanded to include 7 well equipped and updated labs, in addition to 18 modern and learner friendly classrooms.

A sure tell- tale sign of our success over the years.

Just as our building’s architecture stands out at the entrance to the City of San Fernando, so too does the institution, continuously doing what we have set out to do – “transforming our human resources into the region’s most valuable natural resource”.

Our students, both present and past, graduates and staff have all contributed to making SBCS SF a Great Place to Learn.

Happy 7th Anniversary SBCS SF!


Category: News