
SBCS celebrates 25th Anniversary with Time Capsule Dedications

Published: 12:00 AM on May 29, 2012

As part of SBCS’ celebration of its 25th Anniversary in 2012, time capsules, to be opened in 2022, were installed at each of our four (4) campuses. This initiative was led by Mrs. Terry Amirali-Rambharat, Senior Manager, San Fernando Campus, with support from team members from each campus. Initially, one capsule was considered. However, it was decided that because each campus is unique, with its own distinct footprint, that four (4) capsules be done, one for each campus, to tell the unique, yet connected tales of SBCS Champs Fleurs, Port of Spain, San Fernando and Trincity. Input was received from staff and lecturers, as to what should be included in the time capsules, which were designed to reflect the unique learning ecosystem that is SBCS.

On Friday, May 25, 2012 a dedication ceremony was held at each campus, at which the Executive Director, Dr. Robin Maraj was on hand to deliver the respective feature addresses. Also in attendance were lecturers, staff and students.

Some of the items included in the capsules were:

  •     List of current lecturers
  •     List of current students
  •     List of all courses
  •     Pictures of the campus and staff
  •     25th Anniversary polo T-shirt for a Lecturer and a staff
  •     25th Anniversary paraphernalia (include group picture of all staff)
  •     25th Anniversary Magazine
  •     Car Park Pass
  •     Old Blackberry Phone
  •     Newspaper from February 13, 2012 including SBCS Newspaper ads in 2012
  •     Old and new SBCS Logo
  •     Lecturer’s ID, staff ID and student’s ID
  •     A campus-specific card, signed by each member of staff

The time capsules will be opened on our 35th Anniversary, on February 13, 2022.

Category: Events