Published: 12:00 AM on May 06, 2014
The season of Easter, celebrated within the Christian faith, marks the end of Lent – a 40 day period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline.
On Thursday, April 17th, 2014, customary Easter greetings were sent to SBCS students, lecturers and staff members, accompanied by the opportunity to enjoy the traditional treat of Hot Cross Buns at our Champs Fleurs, San Fernando, Port of Spain and Trincity campuses.
During the course of the day, staff members graciously distributed Hot Cross Buns to appreciative students and lecturers on behalf of the Executive Director, Dr. Robin Maraj.
There are many ways in which we observe the Easter holidays in Trinidad. Whether it was by going to church or to the beach, kite-flying or Easter egg hunts, it is our hope that all members of the SBCS family have happy memories of Easter 2014!