
SBCS Global Learning Institute: 31 Years and counting

Published: 1:52 PM on February 15, 2018

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SBCS Global Learning Institute celebrated its 31st anniversary on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. Established in 1987, it stands as one of the region’s preferred institutes of learning, noted for its progressive pedagogical practices, and long-standing academic partnerships with some of the world’s renowned universities and awarding bodies. Through these, the institution continues to position itself as a catalyst to the continued evolution of the tertiary education landscape of Trinidad & Tobago.

In his commemorative message to staff and faculty, Founder and Executive Director, Dr Robin Maraj acknowledged the resolve, commitment and dedication of the SBCS community in charting the institution’s present and future:

“The last twelve months have seen significant changes in the tertiary education landscape. This has challenged us to re-examine both ourselves and our environment, to adapt and to innovate. For us, this is not new. Our survival has always depended on the extent to which we anticipate and attend to the needs of our learners, often doing more with less. However, the relative speed of disruption has made it all the more important that we continue to seek creative opportunities and transform obstacles into innovations. To this end, we’ve crafted a strategic plan that unifies our efforts into the key, consolidated areas over the next few years.”

“… I would like to thank each of you for your support of SBCS over the past 31 years and look forward to working with you in continuing our great work in the years ahead. We continue to operate on the conviction that it is only by transforming individual lives that our collective society will prosper. While we may not have reached that tipping point where it is abundantly visible, we firmly believe that as long as we stay true to our course it will eventually happen. As members of the SBCS community, we need to individually and collectively rededicate ourselves to one of the guiding principles for our existence as an institute: ‘If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.’ (Chinese Proverb)”

Thanks, as well, to all supporters and stakeholders of SBCS Global Learning Institute in helping achieve this feat.

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