Published: 12:00 AM on August 17, 2011
On Saturday August 6th, 2011, at SBCS Port-of-Spain Campus, the Trinidad and Tobago Publishers and Broadcasters Association partnered with SBCS and TSTT to host a prize giving ceremony for the winners of the “World Press Freedom Day – What is the role of State Media in a Democratic Nation Essay Writing Competition”. Speakers at the ceremony included TTPBA President Kiran Maharaj, SBCS Marketing Manager Saari Miller, Head of Blink Broadband Yohann Sambrano, and President of the Association of Caribbean Media Workers and competition judge Wesley Gibbings.
All commended the winners on taking on such a challenging topic. Chief Judge, Wesley Gibbings praised the young winners for their exceptionally well written entries and commented that the main factor that separated the winners from the rest was their skepticism, which showed their critical thinking.
The prize winners, who hailed from schools all over Trinidad and Tobago, were awarded laptops. Below is a list of the prize winners:
1. Zachary Subran – Presentation College
2. Deidre Ganesh – Lakshmi Girls’ Hindu College
3. Joshua Allum – St. Mary’s College
4. Mikhail Byng – Trinity College East
5. Hannah Abdool – St Augustine Girls’ High School
6. Marcus Seepersad – Couva East Secondary School