
SBCS launching two (2) new BTEC programs

Published: 12:00 AM on November 23, 2009

New Higher National Diplomas in Building Services Engineering and Graphic Design


Champs Fleurs – SBCS will be launching two (2) new programmes very soon.  One is the BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Building Services Engineering (BSE) and the other one being the BTEC HND in Graphic Design.

One may ask, what is Building Services Engineering about ? Well imagine yourself in the most fabulous building in the world. Now take away the lighting, heating and ventilation, the lifts and escalators, acoustics, plumbing, power supply and energy management systems, the security and safety systems…and you are left with a cold, dark, uninhabitable shell. Everything inside a building which makes it safe and comfortable to be in comes under the title of ‘Building services’. A building must do what it was designed to do – not just provide shelter but also be an environment where people can live, work and achieve. Building services are what makes a building come to life. They include: energy supply – gas, electricity and renewable sources, heating and air conditioning water, drainage and plumbing natural and artificial lighting, building facades and much more.

Registration deadline is January 16th , 2010

The BTEC HND in Graphic Design is about communicating a message visually. The internationally recognized HND in Graphic Design aims to prepare students for a career in graphic design. This broad based programme introduces students to the role of designer as both visual communicator and problem solver. It is both practical and industry relevant with courses delivered in our state of the art labs. Course content includes: Computer applications in art and design, ideas generation, drawing techniques and approaches, design method, communicating with images, image manipulation applications, multimedia design and authoring and much more.

Registration deadline is January 18th , 2010

For more information on the above programs please contact us at [email protected]



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