Published: 12:00 AM on January 06, 2015
In keeping with the Spirit of Christmas, members of SBCS’ San Fernando Student Council visited the El Shaddai Restoration Home for Children, on December 16th, 2014. El Shaddai is a non-profit entity, which is home to twenty-two children and is funded mainly by donations.
The San Fernando Student Council, treated the children to gifts of toys and books that were collected from the SBCS Annual Christmas Charity Drive. Food hampers and household items were also donated to the home.
The caretaker Debra McKenzie, thanked SBCS for not only distributing these items, but for also visiting and interacting with the children. However, the smiles of joy seen on the children’s faces were all the “thanks” needed, as our students wanted to ensure a great Christmas season for the children. This was a truly humbling experience.
A heartfelt thank you to all the SBCS students who donated to the Charity Drive. Your generosity and kindness, played an important role in bringing Christmas cheer to the children of El Shaddai’s Restoration Home.