Published: 12:00 AM on October 08, 2015
SBCS had the distinct pleasure of hosting a conference with representatives from the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Business School on September 23rd 2015, which focused on enhancing learning in the 21st century via the virtual classroom.
In attendance from Edinburgh Business School (EBS), Heriot-Watt University were Dr. Moira Storey – Director of Quality & Standards, and Mr. Alick Kitchin – Joint Head of School. SBCS was represented by Dr. Robin Maraj – Executive Director, and members of Senior Management, Staff and Faculty.
At the commencement of 2015, EBS, Heriot-Watt University in collaboration with SBCS piloted Online Revision Sessions geared towards EBS’ Masters students studying around the globe, inclusive of Trinidad and Tobago.
SBCS Staff and Faulty who participated in the delivery of Online Revision Sessions, in the roles of Online Facilitators and Online Tutors respectively, were invited to share their experiences using the online platform and offer suggestions on ways to improve delivery.
Dr. Storey and Mr. Kitchin shared insightful feedback on surveys conducted on these sessions, and led the way in discussions for future enhancements. Planning of the fourth Online Offering was also a main discourse among all members present. The full launch of this initiative is carded to commence in 2016.
The day’s activities were brought to a close with the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Business School representatives touring SBCS’ Champs Fleurs and Trincity Campuses. There, they observed a number of live classroom sessions being conducted by SBCS lecturers on the Heriot-Watt University Masters Programme.
SBCS’ Corporate Education Centre thanks all the attendees for the valued input received, which would serve to enhance the overall quality of programme delivery offered to our students.