Published: 12:00 AM on October 13, 2011
The highest judgement of “confidence” has been delivered by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), following an institutional audit in May this year (2011).
The QAA Report published today states that confidence can be reasonably placed in our management of academic standards and in the quality of learning opportunities we make available to our students to achieve the award. See <> for more details.
Dr Stephanie Wilson, Director of Corporate Performance and Quality (CPQ), said she was delighted with the positive outcome. “The five-yearly audit is a major piece of work and I appreciate the input of all our colleagues, both in the International Academy and from the Colleges and teaching institutions, as well as our students, many of whom participated in the audit.”
A feature of good practice highlighted by the QAA was our advertising code of practice. This sets out rules and responsibilities of recognised teaching institutions in how they use our logo and advertise the International Programmes.
The QAA provided constructive feedback in the form of recommendations for action.
Updating the overarching Quality Framework of the International Programmes to reflect the annual monitoring requirements of the University of London and the introduction of a systematic method of disseminating good practice were also highlighted as desirable recommendations for action by the QAA. Work has already been completed or is already underway on all the recommendations.