Programme Brief

Fundamentals of Total Quality Management (TQM) is an introductory course to the management approach used to achieve long-term success through customer satisfaction. This course will help learners understand total quality concepts and techniques for managing, controlling, and improving quality. This course exposes participants to contemporary knowledge and techniques of TQM applied to classroom activities. This would in turn enable the participants to guide quality improvement processes in their workplace, in line with the philosophy of Total Quality Management. At the end of this course, learners should be able to implement key principles and concepts of the Total Quality Management (TQM) approach within a manufacturing or service organization.

An e-certificate will be issued at the end.


Target Audience

Quality practitioners and Customer Service Representatives responsible for ensuring adherence to quality standards in the operations, persons new to the field of quality management who are interested in obtaining an understanding of this field, and any professional who would like to know more about total quality management and improved customer focus and satisfaction.  

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, learners will be able to gain:

  1. Increased knowledge and understanding of total quality management principles and its importance to an organisation.
  2. Increased confidence and knowledge to manage customer relations to enable an improved customer focus.
  3. Develop an understanding and knowledge of key quality management tools and its practical application in the workplace.
  4. Increased awareness of international quality standards and key professional quality management international organisations that will allow participants to keep abreast of changes in the field of Total Quality Management.


Please click here to view the full Course Outline

Schedule & Fees

Online 4-May-24 29-Jun-24 Saturdays 9:00 am - 11:00 am TT$150.00 / US$23.00 TT$2,250.00 / US$345.00


Information subject to change without prior notice.

See our 2024 training schedule below:

  • 18 Contact Hours
  • Champs Fleurs
  • Administration fee: Free Registration at this time for all short courses.
  • Registration deadline: One week before the scheduled start date of the class.
  • Payment Plan: If you wish to access any of our payment plan options, kindly forward an email to [email protected] .

To register for this course, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Please complete the Online Programme Registration Form, and click submit.

Step 2: Once the form has been completed, please proceed to make your payment via the following options below:

Option 1: PayPal – Please click the ” Add to Cart” button below:

Option 2: WI Pay (Credit Card) – If you wish to utilize this method, please forward an email to [email protected] indicating if you would be paying the full cost or whether you would like to access any of our payment plan plan options. Once this is confirmed, an invoice will then be forwarded via email.

*If you do not have a PayPal account or a credit card, you can utilize the following payment option:

Option 3: Payment can be made via Direct deposit / online bank transfer. Please click here for further instructions regarding the banking options available.

Please note that online bank transfers can be done from the following banking institutions – Republic Bank, Royal Bank, First Citizens Bank and Scotia Bank.


Step 3: Complete the Online Payment Update / Notification form – Please ensure a copy of the deposit slip / transaction slip / e-receipt is included when submitting your information.


All relevant information about accessing online sessions will be sent via email within 3-5 working days of the course start date.

For further information, please send an email to Corporate Training Centre [email protected] 


Technical Requirements?

Please check that your laptop/tablet meets the minimum requirements for Adobe Connect web conferencing online platform services before registering by clicking here.  

For further information, please send an email to [email protected]

Email: [email protected] for more details.