Programme Brief

This is a vacation course offered to ages 11+


This course provides an introduction to robotic systems and electronics with typical applications and design. It also allows learners to become familiar with software used in programming a robot.


Schedule & Fee

July 17th - July 21st, 2023

Monday - Friday

9:00am - 1:00pm

Cost: $1,200

Champs Fluers


NOTE: (Kit included)


More vacation courses and Registration Information

  • Champs Fleurs

Online Registration Process

  • Administration fee: US$23 / TT$150
  • Registration deadline: One week before the scheduled start date of the class.
  • Payment Plan: 50% down payment of the tuition to start the class and the balance to be paid by the end of the course. However, should you require a payment plan more tailored to you, feel free to let us know so we can discuss further.

To register for the online course, please follow the instructions below:

For further information, please send an email to entre for Information Technology and Engineering (CITE) [email protected] or call 663-7227 extensions 1092/3/5.