Maureen TintoBSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (Greenw)
Carol M. SheppardBSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (Greenw)
Leahana MannanBA (Hons) Human Resource Management (Greenw)
Raehana NicholasBA (Hons) Human Resource Management [First Class] (Greenw)
Avalon FrederickBA (Hons) Human Resource Management [First Class] (Greenw)
Navin BharatBSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment [First Class] (Greenw)
Ferrin JenningsBA (Hons) Human Resource Management [First Class] (Greenw)
Felisha HoseinBSc (Hons) Computing and Information Systems (Greenw)
Donny PranBA (Hons) Human Resource Management (Greenw)
Jayna SieunarineMSc Occupational Hygiene [Distinction] (Greenw)